How to interview (or evaluate) a Software Developer
By HR TeamEvaluating a software developer or technical member is hard and getting harder. How to identify true genius from the bunch of resumes that you get, and how to quickly identify if the candidate has true experience or not.
Terminology to learn for an Entrepreneur or Startup Founder before talking to a Software Vendor or Programming Geeks
By Piyush BhattThis blog describes all the technical and buzz-words that are used by software vendors or developers that a start-up founder will find useful to be familiar with.
How application modernization services automated legacy purchasing applications for an automotive supplier
By Piyush BhattHow application modernization services from SharpQuest automated legacy purchasing applications for an automotive supplier - TKS Industrial and created custom ERP to support Sales, Engineering and Budget workflows
Does ‘Number of Years’ of experience matter in Software Development or IT?
By Piyush BhattA career advise for many of our fellow developers who assume that spending more number of years automatically qualifies them for promotion. What you gain in experience counts more than number of years.
Software Development Processes — Daily Stand-up
By Piyush BhattWhat is daily stand-up in Scrum methodology and how a software development team should conduct the meeting to be more efficient.
What is & What is not — a user story or a backlog item
By Piyush BhattAs a scrum master or project manager, we always run into this dilemma of what is a user story. For developers it is hard to distinguish between a task and a story. This blog explains what is and what is not a user story or back-log item.