T-SQL Tips and Tricks: Executing a Query in multiple databases
If you are a Full-stack Developer, SQL Database Developer or SQL Database Administrator and if you are working with multiple databases, then this query will be useful in following situations.
Verifying Schema
- You want to check if all databases have a certain table
- You want to check if all databases have certain index or columns or stored procedures
Verifying Data
- Check if all databases have particular lookup data
- Check if all databases have certain valid data in certain tables
A simple approach is to write the query and then run it in each database one by one. Our database team maintains more than dozen databases (same schema, different clients) in different environments - development, QA, Pre-production and Production. Following is a very useful script to execute a query in multiple database and verify the output.
Use "Select db_name()" in your queries while running in multiple databases, that way you know which database the output belongs to.
/* sharpquest.exec_in_all_db - runs a given query in all databases whose name starts with the given prefix Example: exec sharpquest.exec_in_all_db 'qa_', 'select top 10 db_name(), * from dbo.Customer' -- will execute the select query in all databases whose name start with 'qa_' */ CREATE procedure sharpquest.exec_in_all_db( @dbName varchar(100) = 'qa_', @SQL nvarchar(max) ) as BEGIN DECLARE cur_dbname CURSOR FOR SELECT [name] FROM sys.databases where [name] like @dbName + '%' DECLARE @currentName varchar(100) DECLARE @curSQL nvarchar(max) OPEN cur_dbname FETCH NEXT FROM cur_dbname INTO @currentName SET @SQL = 'EXEC(''' + REPLACE(@SQL, '''', '''''') + ''')' BEGIN TRY WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @curSQL = ';use ' + @currentName + ';' PRINT @curSQL; SET @curSQL = @curSQL + '; ' + CHAR(10) + @SQL; exec sp_executesql @curSQL FETCH NEXT FROM cur_dbname INTO @currentName END END TRY BEGIN CATCH PRINT '-- ERROR ---' + ERROR_MESSAGE() PRINT '-- SQL -- ' PRINT @curSQL END CATCH CLOSE cur_dbname DEALLOCATE cur_dbname END
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